The Gender Delusion (Streaming and Download) – (BETA)


Digital Download

This program investigates the twisted origins of the transgender push, the damage it is inflicting (especially upon young people) through mental damage and medical carnage, and how it is being advanced through government, educational institutions, media, big tech, and big pharma.

Please note: Digital Streaming IS IN BETA* – Please make sure to follow all instructions and report any issues you may encounter to the product manager at:

*A Beta product is one which is in the late stages of development, but may still encounter issues a small percentage of the time. 100% uptime and bug free use are not guaranteed.

SKU: 770003 Category:


The world has been overtaken by a delusion. For millennia, human beings have seen the facts of the two sexes as a given—simply part of the fabric of creation. But over the past decade, a radical new movement has exploded upon the scene.

This movement says that “gender” is simply a socially constructed role, to be chosen or discarded at will. It says that “men” and “women” have no definition, and that you can simply decide to be one or the other—or both, or neither, or even invent some other option. And it has already swept into every institution in the world, from the corporate world to the Pentagon, from the school playground to the highest levels of female sports.

This program investigates the twisted origins of the transgender push, the damage it is inflicting (especially upon young people) through mental damage and medical carnage, and how it is being advanced through government, educational institutions, media, big tech, and big pharma.

The Gender Delusion talks with social thinkers, medical experts, and even those who were once caught in the lie of transgender ideology before being delivered from the madness and into the healing of Jesus Christ and his design for human beings.

Please note: Digital Streaming IS IN BETA* – Please make sure to follow all instructions and report any issues you may encounter to the product manager at:

*A Beta product is one which is in the late stages of development, but may still encounter issues a small percentage of the time. 100% uptime and bug free use are not guaranteed.

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Digital Download, Streaming




1 hour 37 minutes


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