Rearing Godly Children

On this week’s Truths That Transform, we preview our brand-new, hard-hitting documentary, “Brainwashed: The Indoctrination of America’s Youth.” This report looks at the dangers children face in public schools. The findings are shocking. Then, Dr. Kennedy pinpoints the genesis of the perversion of truth resulting in the moral blindness we see today.
Rearing Godly Children – Rob’s Commentary

One hour a week for a child in church, and perhaps another in Sunday school, is not nearly enough to counteract 30 hours of secular education per week, let alone what twisting of the truth comes through other channels. In God’s infallible Word, he never instructs parents to make sure their children attend prestigious institutions. […]
Rearing Godly Children – Opening Segment

According to Lifeway Research, over 70 percent of young people who attended church during high school leave the church during college. At the same time, transgenderism, depression, mental illness, and suicide are skyrocketing. We examine one of the primary drivers of this ideological campaign–America’s godless public school system–in this sneak peek of our new special, […]